After a dog has had its surgical procedure, we often hear them whimper, cry and whine. Is this normal that my dog is whining? Should I be worried about my pet? The answer is no; you have no cause to worry about your furry companion.

Some pain is expected for dogs who have been spayed just after their procedure. You should not be surprised if your dog whines or whimpers after getting fixed. Some dogs can take discomfort better than others, and it’s typical for dogs to whine after their surgery.

Sometimes, your dog won’t experience pain or discomfort until the anesthetic wears off. This could make you believe that they will have a pain-free rehabilitation. After being fixed, all dogs will experience some pain, and how they exhibit it will indicate how they feel.

Some dogs may be whining, whimpering, biting, or licking the area where the surgery was carried out. They may also refuse to be restrained, get out of bed, and show disinterest in food.

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Table of Contents

How Can I Make My Whining Dog Comfortable?

Ensure It Has Proper Rest

For the duration your dog will be recovering, you will need to limit the activity it can do. Your pet is expected only to relieve herself and go back to rest, and your dog must not disturb the surgical stitches.

While it is okay to go for a slow, leisurely walk with your pet. Activities such as jumping, running, and playing around the house should be tolerated to avoid complicating her condition. Overexerting herself during this period can lead to a hernia or seromas.

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After her procedure, your pet will likely be easily agitated, weary, and in discomfort. It is advisable to put your dog in a separate room away from kids and loud noise, and this should make them sleep easier.

why do my dog whines
dog lying down – image from vilnis izotovs

Give Your Pet Pain Medication

Like everyone that undergoes surgery, anesthesia is essential to help manage the pain during and after the procedure. Your veterinary doctor should provide an anesthetic drug for you to administer to your pet. This will help it go through the recovery process with minimal pain.

Buy An Elizabeth Collar

You may ask how to stop your dog from whining, licking, or chewing its wound. The solution is quite simple, buy an Elizabeth collar for your pet. Granted, it makes it less comfortable for your pet and more difficult for it to eat, drink water or even see what is below the collar.

However, it is an excellent tool to stop your pet from playing with its open wound, which is likely to reopen if it continues to play with it. Also, it is more painful and discomforting for your pet to have its wound restitched.

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Inspect The Wound Daily

To reduce the risk of your pet’s wound getting infected, you should check its wound daily for at least two weeks. This ensures that the wound is healing and that she is not licking and chewing at the wound area.

Furthermore, you should refrain from bathing your dog for a minimum of two weeks while the wound is healing. Take note of any smell or discharge from the wound; if there is, you should consult your veterinarian.

You must endeavor to prevent your pet from licking or biting its wound. This will stop your dog from reopening or infecting it, as it will be both painful and uncomfortable.

How Long Is My Whining Dog Going To Be In Pain?

Generally, a dog that has been spayed will experience pain for around two weeks, with pain subsiding towards the end of the two weeks. However, depending on the dog’s health condition, it can sometimes take longer than two weeks.

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What Are The Effects Of Spaying My Dog?

Since your pet can no longer be in heat, it will urinate less. The frequent urination alert male dogs that it is in heat and wants to mate. Similarly, it will become less aggressive. Female dogs are more irritable when in heat and can attack other dogs.

The urge for your pet to run away when in heat is reduced. Normally it tends to run away at any opportunity in heat. It helps reduce the risk of getting lost, stolen, or hit by a car. Furthermore, it will no longer ovulate, which can sometimes cause pain to your pet.

Will There Be Complications Of Spaying My Dog?

With every surgical procedure, there is a likelihood that complications may arise during and after the surgery. Due to the anesthesia, your dog’s stitches may pull and break or get infected.

It can also bleed at the incision site or from the vagina after the surgery. Similarly, if your dog appears lethargic while recovering from surgery, this could be a sign of a problem. Other symptoms of complication include vomiting, diarrhea and pain, and irritated stitch area.

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In the long term, your dog might gain weight, and it might also experience decreased stamina and loss of bladder control.

These long-term effects might happen months or even years after your dog has been spayed. You are advised to contact your veterinary doctor to book an appointment if your dog displays any of these symptoms.

Other Possible Reasons Your Dog May Be Whining.

  • Your dog may be looking for something.
  • Excitement
  • Your dog may also be whining because of fear of something.
  • Separation anxiety.
  • Attention-seeking whining.

Is my dog whining because of pain?

Whining may also indicate that your dog is in pain. For example, if your dog whines when climbing the stairs or attempting to jump on the couch, she may suffer from joint pain caused by arthritis. Having your dog checked out is critical if you suspect she’s in pain. Your veterinarian can prescribe pain medication and may also recommend an exercise or massage routine to make your pup more comfortable.

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Your dog whining or whimpering after being spayed is a regular occurrence. It is most likely expressing the pain it is going through. And yes, pain is also expected after a surgical procedure.

However, you should ensure that your pet is well-rested and taken care of after the procedure to avoid further complications. The better it rests, the less likely it will rip its stitches.


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