Suppose your dog is not loyal. Physical abuse or any form of abuse can make your dog disloyal to you. Furthermore, lack of proper socialization and neglect is also one of the reasons why your dog can be disloyal.

Most dogs will adore you no matter what; they will love you just as much if you feed them late or do not return home on time. That’s because most dogs will go to great lengths to please their owners.

Because they are usually very obedient to their owners and live to please them, most people believe dogs are loyal. However, your pet can be disloyal to you if you neglect it too often, abuse it, or fail to interact with it correctly.

Table of Contents

My Dog Is Disloyal – Reasons Why

Poor Socialization

Suppose you get a pet, and during the housebreaking and introductory phase, you fail to train and socialize your pet correctly. It will not regard you as its leader or provider, leading it not to respond well or be loyal to you.

Assuming this is the case, it might bond with other members of the family or no one in particular. Some dog breeds are notoriously difficult to train. If you have any of these breeds as a pet, you need to socialize it correctly, or it will be faithful to you.

Neglect And Abuse May Be Why Your Dog Is Not Loyal

Dogs crave human companionship and attention. Suppose you ignore your dog, leave it to itself, make little or no attempt to interact with it. It will also ignore you and show you no sign of obedience or devotion.

Furthermore, if you ignore its longing for your attention, you create a gap between you and your pet, creating mistrust between you and it. Suppose you treat it this way; it could be why your dog is disloyal.

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Physical abuse is another way to lose the trust and devotion of your pet. When you interact with your pet using negative actions, it will become afraid of you. Suppose it is scared of you; you will notice it is flinching when you try to pet it.

When A Dog Is Disloyal, It Could Be Due To Past Trauma

It may be that history of abuse and neglect has scarred your pet mentally, making it unable to trust or show devotion to you. Also, it may be that your pet trusted its previous owners; however, its history of abuse has caused it to be distant and aloof.

Tips To Make Your Pet Loyal

If Your Dog Is Disloyal, Build Trust With It

Building connections in a loving relationship might take time when you welcome a new dog into your home. Adult dogs may have difficulty trusting, especially if they have been mistreated or abused by a prior owner.

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Puppies are the easiest since they are naturally dependent. Still, adult dogs may have a more challenging time learning to trust. If you and your pet have any degree of devotion, there is usually some level of trust.

The best method to teach a dog that he can trust you is to avoid doing anything that will shatter his trust in you. Hitting, shouting, or depriving him of food, shelter, or affection are examples of this. If you’re having a difficult day, don’t vent it on him.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Give your dog a treat for doing a good job when you teach it tricks like sitting, fetching, or other activities. A simple, tasty, and healthy doggie snack will make it feel special, and it will perceive you as someone who treats it well.

When you threaten or intimidate your pet, it is a considerably inferior way of training compared to using positive reinforcement strategies. Physical treatment and scolding will either make the dog detest you or shatter your puppy’s spirit.

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Suppose you want to make your loyal dog; it is critical to train them strictly but avoid beating or screaming. It is ineffective and can lead to distrust and a lack of devotion.

Additionally, your pup will appreciate spending some extra time with you. These are the times when you and your pet will bond, strengthening his loyalty.


While some dog breeds are naturally more friendly and ready to please, some are more difficult than others. However, most dogs’ natural desire is to be loyal to the humans they love and respect.

Even if your dog has an enthusiastic, aggressive, stubborn, or manipulative disposition, he might still be loyal to you. Proper training and consistency are the keys to building a connection in which your dog feels loyal to you.

Your dog will be more loyal to you when you provide comfort and happiness. Show him respect, and he’ll be more likely to reciprocate.

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Be Loyal To Your Pet

When you show loyalty to your pet, you improve the chances of returning the favor. You can accomplish this by acknowledging it when it wishes to be in your company. Keep its food and water dishes stocked so it does not go without these essential items.

Ensure your dog forms a social tie with you as his provider and leader. You must ensure you feed him personally, avoid using automatic feeders, and meet his other needs. You can even feed your dog by hand to strengthen your bond with him.

Provide a warm and comfortable place to sleep, keep it safe, show it love and care, and do not let others mistreat it. It would be best if you became his defender and advocate, or you will continue to wonder why your dog is disloyal.

Conclusively, offer him love and affection while meeting his physical and emotional requirements. As a result, you will become the most important person in your pet’s life.

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Engage In Exercise And Activities With It

Leash your pet and take it for a walk around the neighborhood if it is healthy enough to do so. It will appreciate the time you spend with it, and once it realizes that the two of you go for a stroll often, it will look forward to it.

The exercise benefits both of you and will allow you to spend more time together. Furthermore, try to make it a routine to play with it regularly. It is yet another approach to strengthening your bond with your dog while encouraging loyalty.


Before you get a new pet, you must know the dog’s history. Doing this will help you understand your pet better. Endeavour to never neglect or abuse your pet. Additionally, ensure that you socialize and train your pet well.


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