wet and dry dog food

Wet And Dry Dog Food – How To Mix Your Pet’s Food

Topping is the best way to mix wet and dry dog food, and it's a terrific method to improve your dog's meals' taste, aroma, and...
disassociated from their tails

Why Are Dogs So Disassociated From Their Tails?

It is a mistaken belief that dogs are disassociated from their tails. Suppose your dog is chasing its tail. It may be that your...
Why is my dog always awake at night

Why Is My Dog Always Awake At Night?

Anxiety, stress, and injuries are some of the things that might keep your dog always awake at night. You might be thinking about why...
An Alaskan malamute licking her dogs

Dog Not Cleaning Her Puppies – See Reasons Why

Suppose your pet is not cleaning her puppies; it may be a case of dog rejection. This occurs when your dog feels no emotional...
Is lack of appetite a side effect of deworming drugs?

Dog not eating after deworming – What to do

Is your dog not eating after deworming? The deworming process can cause nausea, vomiting, drooling, and even a lack of appetite. It is a...
What to do when your dog does not chew its food

What You Can Do When Your Dog Doesn’t Chew Its Food- 5 Steps

Suppose your dog doesn't chew its food; it would help to make the food moist and palatable for it to savour and chew. You...
fading puppy syndrome

What Is Fading Puppy Syndrome? Puppies Dying Shortly After Birth

Fading puppy syndrome affects puppies born with an immature immune system, and this system must be built over time, starting with their mother's milk. Puppies...
diseases that Kill Dogs

Diseases That Kill Dogs The Most

Some diseases that kill dogs include heart disease, leukaemia, and kidney disease. Furthermore, cancer, diabetes, infection, and Bloat (gastric dilatation-volvulus) are some diseases that...
brown snake bite

How Long Does A Brown Snake Bite Take To Kill A Dog?

Brown snake bites are especially dangerous to dogs. If you are specifically referring to Australia's eastern brown snake, the world's second most poisonous land...
take care of dogs

Is It Hard To Take Care Of Dogs?

It is not particularly challenging to take care of dogs; however, you have to be sure you want him as a pet and that...

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